Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week 2 Student Teaching!!!

This week was very smooth and easy going because, I felt like I had the routine down. On Wednesday I taught about Northern Explorers and Settlers. On Thursday we had a recap of what we learned the previous day, and then students presented their posters they made on their explorers. On Friday we discussed Gratitude, and the different things we should be grateful for. Then my students made turkeys to give to their Kindergarten Buddies. This activity was a great way to end the week!


Christy House said...

Sounds like things are going well for you. It seems easier to teach when you understand what the routine is in the classroom you are visiting. It will be fun to get back to campus and share what we have learned. I hope you have another great week!

Anonymous said...

Your gratitude acitivity sounded so cute. I like that your students have kindergarten buddies. What a great idea! I hope everything is going well for you.

Dr. Hudgins said...

How did your gratitude lesson go. I meant to ask when I saw you today. I bet the turkeys were cute. You'll have to show them when I come visit.

Miss Kanzee said...

I think thats great that your students have a kindergarten buddy. What activities do you students usually do with their buddies? DO they let them read to them? Or do your students read? Do they help with math? Glad you are enjoying yourself. You are awesome to be the lone ranger.